And so it begins

In the beginning

I am one of those people that needs to be extremely busy at work like when it gets to 2pm and you realise you haven’t had a cup of tea or sip of water since you got up and have therefore not been to the bathroom once! If I am not rushed off my feet, panicking to get everything done, I get distracted and am a little unproductive. I make small mistakes, I start something and forget to finish it; no one wants that.

So here is where a blog comes in to it. Not only does it give me a platform to voice my problems, it will also keep me busy during the long, boring, uneventful days in the Office.

I may not follow a particular theme, I may veer off on a different subject and have you wondering what I am going on about or it may be the best blog you have ever used to kill time. It will be kept (relatively) anonymous in case I upset anyone I mention and I will aim to post once a day.

Brace yourself. Here we go.

One comment

  1. Yay! Very excited for this.

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